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Ventura Bodysurfing Classic 2024

Saturday November 30th South Jetty, Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, Ca

Check in – Starts at 6:30. Contestants must check in, get T-shirt and sign a waiver. We will have venmo that you can scan to pay for your entry, Taco bar voucher, hats etc. or bring cash.

Registration includes contest shirts, morning snacks and water, awards for finalist and top rides, and beach Tacos

All participants must sign the release waiver prior to swimming out in their first heat.

We are thankful that you will be participating in the Ventura Bodysurfing Classic. We have a fun day planned that includes world class bodysurfers, sponsor merchandise giveaways, live up to the minute electronic scoring, Taco Bar from 12-3 pm and the legendary family of bodysurfers gathered for the celebration of bodysurfing.

All times and heat locations are subject to change depending on conditions.

Surf and Weather

Thanksgiving weekend has a tendency of being very nice weather with 4-8 ft surf and offshore. Please come prepared for heavy surf and chilly conditions in and out of the water.

Competition Format

Heats will be judged on style, length of ride, size of wave, position on wave, speed, maneuvers and timing of maneuvers. Tricks and maneuvers will be awarded points accordingly. A mistimed trick will still be scored but may have judges wishing for a better demonstration of wave knowledge. Entertain them. Judges have a hard time scoring if multiple contestants ride the same wave. Develop a strategy. Be cool. Blatant cut-offs will be deducted 1 wave score. Riders will be scored on their top 2 waves with a total wave count not to exceed 10 waves. Heats will start from the water with the blast of the horn, and finish after 15 minutes with another horn blast. There will be a green, yellow and red color block on the beach for a visual indication as to when your heat has started and ended. Yellow signifies 5 minutes warning. Competitors' names will be announced at both sites, where they will receive their color caps and jerseys 10-15 minutes prior to their heat. Have fun and slide!


Judges love to see well timed and stylish execution of maneuvers on the open face. If you decide to “Spin to win” and it causes you to miss an excellent tube ride, you timed your spin poorly. White water rides are fantastic if waves are reforming on inside. South Jetty produces makeable barrels and 9-10 point rides are possible. Common maneuvers are as follows;

  • Spinner

  • Reverse Spinner

  • Belly Spin

  • Front flip

  • Underwater and Dolphining

  • Lazy Boy

  • Off the lip

  • Through the lip

  • Barrel Roll

Grommet/Novice Participants - Site # 2 - North Side Jetty at Wedger Peak

Starting in the morning we will begin with preliminary bodysurfing rounds for the Groms. Parents are encouraged to be in the water with the less advanced and super groms. Lifeguards will be on site.

Men and Women Open Division - Site # 1 - South Side of beach, north of Groin


Some of the eldest competitors may have an opportunity to swim in a Legend final based on Open Division scores.

Site # 2

When site # 2 finishes up after preliminary and semifinal heats we encourage bodysurfers to fill the line up. Permit is active all day so lets Black Ball that side and express our Bodysurfing selves!

DMC Don McCredie Bodysurf Race World Championship

As the day progresses, we will run a bodysurfing race. This race will be a competition from outside the surf zone to the beach. This is open to all participants. The goal is to be the first one in and across the finish line. Participants may choose to wait for a set wave to ride all the way in, or sprint in once the start of the race is signaled. $500 winner take all. $1000 to the winner if they are wearing DMC fins! Lucas Malloy won last year and would have made a Grand if he had DMC Fins! Gratitude and respect to Don McCredie for an epic race idea!

Sunday Expression Session

Please come down and participate in a low-key expression session at South Jetty.

Alternate List

If your division has “Sold Out” and you wish to be placed on the alternate list please email South Jetty Swells Bodysurfing Association with your name, age and phone number, and we will call you in a first come first served order.

If you haven’t received a call to fill a cancellation and you show up to the comp with hopes of a no show, please be prepared by signing the release waiver and completing the registration. Be ready for your name to be called if there is a no show. You may only have a 2 minute heads up so be suited up and ready to swim during all preliminary heats. We will let you know where you stand on the alternate list.

Contest Day Helpers!

We are always extremely grateful for volunteer help on game day. There are lots of moving parts between site 1 & 2 and if you are interested in lending a hand please offer up assistance to someone in a tent. Spotters are a huge help in the afternoon when it is difficult to identify colors due to sun angle.

Bodysurfing World Tour, Qualifying Series Event, North America

South Jetty Swells Bodysurfing Association is happy to host a qualifying series event.

We anticipate the men's division to sell out with-in 1 hour of the registration link becoming active.

Sponsors and Supporters Past and Present


Yeti, Matuse wetsuits, DaFin, Yucca, DMC Fins, Viper, Somera Capital Mgmt, Jim McAnany, Birdwell Beach Britches, Forgeline Solutions, Bullkelp Bedrolls,Topa Topa Brewery, Rincon Brewery, Boccali Vineyard, Ventura Surf Shop, Blue Tuna, Fred Simpson, Mark Drewelow, Scott Soens, Kelly Slater & Freaks of Nature, Tim Burnham, Todd Hanigan, Don McCreddie, Sean Starky, Kenui Cochran, Hush handboard, Tommy Tatham, Jason & Super Biscuit, Rhein, USA Bodysurfing, Chubascos Bodysurfing, Gillis Beach Bodysurfing, Santa Cruz Bodysurfing association, Ventura Port District, Ventura County Fire Dept, Ventura State LifeGuards, Island Packers, Duncan Selby photography, Frank Profera & @ronin_photo

Crew and Friends

Bill Lucking, Al Templeman, Dan Beach, Jim Isaac, Bob Owens, Jerry Springer, Tom Beardsley, Jim Florence, Dean Hazard, Greg Resnick, Monte Widders, Mike Williams, Walt Haman, Dutch, Freeze, Charlie Starbuck, Dan Drown, Carly & Ernie Ford, Bill Lucking II, Leroy, Sean Buckley, Brett Templeman, Ford brothers and family, Spike Wessler, Sholl family, Sarah Matise, Tommy Moore, Feldman family, Godtel family, Longwill family,, McGraths, Josh Ball, Mike Tamez, Malloy family, Pete Hill, Mark Churchill, Webbie, Nick Willert, Eric Neuron, Al McMeekin, Ed Sweeny, Donahue family , Duffy family, Vanaukers, Browns, Chennels, Quirk, Haley, Jappe, Geoff Jensen, Lorch, Luperello, Lashbrook, Ogormans, Sodegren, Stallings, Vicks, Zorskie, Uhl, Falat, Lanski, Delgado, Matheson, McElvaney, Castelleja, Morrell, Karen, Roney, Buddy Red, Tristen Simon, Mike Billgren, Phelps, Ian Johnson, JP Taylor, Tim Nisbet, Robbie, Pacific Ocean

All Judges that volunteer their whole day to make sure it's right. Thank You

Registration info

Register for Ventura Bodysurfing Classic November 30, 2024

Registration link will go active on Sunday October 20th at 7:00 PM PDT

Be Aware that if you click the link before above time it will indicate that registration opens on Oct 22. This if false

Open Sunday October 20th at 7:00 PM PDT

Love and gratitude from

South Jetty Swells Bodysurfing Association est 1969

Interested Donors

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